
Summarize. Translate. Listen.

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Features at a Glance

Welcome to EchoBrief, where we revolutionize the way you engage with technical podcasts.

Our cutting-edge tool is designed to enhance your learning experience by providing a more accessible, efficient way to consume podcast content.

Discover the unique features that set EchoBrief apart:


Get straight to the point with concise, NLP-driven summaries of detailed technical discussions.

Focus on what matters. Our summaries ensure you're always in the loop, without spending hours listening.


Starting with English and Spanish, EchoBrief breaks down language barriers, making content accessible to a broader audience.

Stay tuned as we expand our language offerings.


Choose how you consume content with EchoBrief.

Read summaries or listen to them with our high-quality text-to-speech feature, designed for learners and professionals on the go.

Our Technology

Our platform is powered by

  • State-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) for summarization
  • Advanced translation technology to provide multilingual support
  • Easy-to-use, clean interface, ensuring your journey is efficient and enjoyable

Meet the Team

Rebecca Sun

Reeva Lohia

Ronald Lee

Sunayna Jain

Savinay Chandrupatla

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